~ : neofetch - dsinkerii.com



Welcome to my lil' website!
Here you can learn more about stuff i make, i like and just generally more about me!

languages i code in

I code in...

- python

- c++

- c#

- java (still learning)

projects portfolio & blogs

more about me as a person

i am...

- 15 y/o
- birthday on 27th of october
- this website was made by me :)... mostly
- i like to model stuff in blender & do renders, it's more of a hobby than a job
- i code. a LOT.
- nickname is pronounced like:

De · sync · er · y

(kinda like saying desync)
- i really like the yakuza franchize (especially lost judgment)


- ai (im mixed about this but when its used outside of helping people & towards being "creative", i'm against that)
- the ":3" emoticon (i am DEAD serious).
- coms. i dont do coms.
- privacy intrusions

~ : tumblr - dsinkerii.com
~ : artProjects - dsinkerii.com
~ : sideProjects - dsinkerii.com
~ : gameJamProjects - dsinkerii.com
~ : artByOtherPeople - dsinkerii.com

Your privacy on this website

This website does not track any kind of information about you, atleast i (dsinkerii) don't.
I, personally, find this type of behaviour of tracking activity on personal websites really scummy!

So, any kind of things you do inside and or outside this website are only tracked by my server provider (DanBotHosting) my vps, which does not log any activity, and my domain provider (reg.ru).

I do not wish to stalk or view any kind of activity on this website. Thank you for understanding.
